Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Form: Surprise Group Project *Artist Statement*



   Finished product


Our group made this game for Liam as a project. This game could be simply challenging, and also be enjoyable for the creators and players.  My contribution was cutting the squares, helping in gluing down the squares on the board, and finishing touches. In this piece of art, the repetition and pattern of a square used harmony. Unity and variety were both displayed through the sameness of shape and difference in color of the squares. Horizontal, vertical, radial and symmetrical balance were shown because if you divide them in half in any way, the amount of colors and shapes are equal. Normal ratio and scale was used, so everything is equal (no dominance). Eye movement in every direction is presented, and we made our game realistic because our game is mostly like the original format. (After all, we hope that Liam would recover quickly from his surgery!)

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